Founded in 2019 Key Life Coaching is an international life coaching organization with representatives throughout the world fluent in the seven most spoken languages. Renewing hope, positively changing lives and using tailor made transitions to give individuals a second stab at success. These are the key things that motivate me daily.

I am Keyosha. A mentor, motivational speaker and certified life coach. Proudly partnered with a plethora of highly qualified coaches covering categories such as health & fitness, love & relationships, finances & business for your best life. We offer 1 on 1 and group coaching sessions. 

We host a semi-annual vision board event. Where groups both physically and virtually find strength in numbers, kicked off with a visualization exercise we encourage members to dream big and aspire to new heights.

We pride ourselves on our ability to integrate life skills through foundational coaching for new beginnings helping individuals from all walks conquer happiness, health and life. 

As our company has seen an influx of clientele, we continue to explore innovative ways to grow our reach and impact more people on a larger scale. We own and operate a, unique, People of Colour (POC) specific group coaching & counselling session that meets bi-weekly held to help heal generational trauma and focus on Black futures.

Equipped with a flawless client coach match up technology and a meticulous intake system. Our vision is to empower and support clients to reach or exceed their goals. What do I love most about being a life coach? Getting fired! Giving others the autonomy to lead their lives as they see fit thereby living their true potential.